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Welcome to our new interactive display board, Wall of Fame. By utilizing the unit through the display stand at school or through the link on our website, you now have access to a wide variety of academic, athletic, and other information recognizing Franklin Monroe students and alumni. Currently you will find class composite pictures, athletic records, and championship banners, but much more such as yearbooks and student academic achievements and fine arts projects will be coming soon. We hope you enjoy seeing what our current students are up to at Franklin Monroe, as well as reminiscing about the history of our district.
Kindergarten Registration & Screening
April 2 & 3, 2025
To schedule, please contact
Franklin Monroe Elementary
(937) 947-1327 or (937) 947-1206
Please click the links below for the 2024-2025 Winter Sports Schedules:
The Franklin Monroe Yearbook staff invites you to share your best FM pictures to our yearbook staff. Submitting your pictures increases your likelihood of being in the yearbook, and it helps our staff to gather a wider range of photos from your 2024-2025 school year. The more memories we capture the better! We'd love to see your school appropriate photos from school related activities such as sporting events, dances, or club activities.
Franklin Monroe is a public water system responsible for providing drinking water that meets state and federal standards. The results are summarized in the link below.
Franklin Monroe Non-Transient Consumer Notice of Tap Water Lead Result